Western Reserve Matinee Club

Notes from Meeting on 2/5/01

Officers present: Sharry Starner, Annette Smith, Mitzie 'Lee' Stickley

The meeting was convened by acting President Sharry Starner.

The Club's Banquet bulletin was presented by Annette Smith. The Officer's then looked over the bulletin and made final changes that Annette will amend and deliver to Mitzie to be copied.

The final preparation plans for the upcoming Club Banquet were presented and discussed.

The Officer election process was again reviewed and determined that only two Officer positions will be put to a vote at the Banquet: President and Secretary.

Then the agenda for the next scheduled meeting was tentatively planned.

With this week's business concluded, the meeting was adjourned.

The next meeting is scheduled for March 22, 2001 at 6:00PM in the First Aid Building on the Wayne County Fairgrounds. All members are encouraged to attend as a quorum is needed to pass Rules and By-Laws changes.

Last Updated: February 5, 2001; 7:30 pm EST
Editor:S. Zimmerman