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Officers present: Steve Nemec, Sharry Starner, Mitzie 'Lee' Stickley, and Annette Smith
Club member attendance: Dr. Rich Mairs
The first meeting of the new 2002 year was convened and led by President Steve Nemec.
A Treasurer's Report was presented by Annette Smith.
After the Treasurer's Report the 2001 Matinee season was discussed: the drop in Club membership and participation, the fact that Charted Lines during last year's Matinee did not bring in any new horses or trainers participating in the Matinee, and Charting cost the Club money. The Gate-Schooling offered at the Matinee last year was used and appreciated by Club members and it was suggested that this year Gate-Schooling should be offered before the Matinee rather than after.
The plans for the upcoming Club Banquet were presented and discussed: a choice of three meats for the dinner was presented along with the idea that dessert should have two choices, cream pies or fruit. Annette was chosen to speak with different area restaurants to price meals and check availability dates. The idea of a guest speaker from Northfield Park was presented and will be checked into. Officers then discussed possible Door Prizes for the Banquet. Next it was decided that it would be nice to take some time during the Banquet to recognize the passing of two esteemed Club members last year: Richard Snyder and Chester Queberg's wife. The idea of a Guest Book sign in at the Banquet was discussed.
The next topic for discussion was the tentative plans for this year's Matinee. A possible date of May 11, 2002 with a rain-date of the following Sunday was discussed. The idea of using Mr. Bud Teeters as Judge and having NO charted lines this year was presented, but NO definitive decisions were made.
The final items on the agenda were: the charting, distribution, and selling of the Raffle tickets for the Reverse Raffle to be held at the Banquet and the printing and mailing of the upcoming Club Newsletter written by Steve Nemec.
Meeting adjourned.