Western Reserve Matinee Club

Notes from Meeting on 3/22/01

Officers present: Steve Nemec, Sharry Starner, Annette Smith, Excused Officer: Mitzie 'Lee' Stickley

The meeting was convened and led by newly elected President Steve Nemec. A Treasurer's Report was presented by Annette Smith.

The Club meeting was a very productive one. With sixteen members present, it was enough to conduct business. First, the proposed amendments to the By-Laws were voted on and approved. The date for the 2001 Western Reserve Matinee Day was set for Saturday, May 12, 2001; with a first race post parade at 11:50 am. Rain date set for Sunday, May 13, 2001.

At this years Matinee charted lines will be made available for horses that have Eligibilities. Races that do NOT require Eligibilities will also be offered. These will be called Exhibition races. These Exhibition races will NOT be charted. A major change for this years race program will be that the owners, trainers, and drivers need not be members of the Western Reserve Matinee Club to participate in the races. If the trainer of the horse is a Western Reserve Matinee Club member the entry fee will be $10.00 per horse. If the trainer of the horse is NOT a Western Reserve Matinee Club member the entry fee will be $15.00 per horse.

Also, gate schooling will be offered after the last race. If the person (driver) schooling the horse is a Club member gate schooling will be free. If the person (driver) schooling the horse is NOT a Club member there will be a $5.00 fee charged. If you wish to gate school after the last race, the driver schooling the horse must sign up at the Secretary's office prior to the first race. This will allow for Mr. Hochstetler (the starter) to plan for the groups of horses that need to be schooled.

If there are any questions, they can be addressed when making entries. The volunteers taking entries will try and fill the usual classes. A Racing Under Saddle class and Amateur race will also be offered again this year.

The next meeting will be held in Barn 18 at the Wayne County Fairgrounds on May 3rd, 2001 at 5:00pm. We will be discussing fund raising for the Club and review the plans for the 2001 Matinee Day.

Last Updated: May 3, 2001; 7:30 pm EDT
Editor:S. Zimmerman