Western Reserve Matinee Club

Notes from Meeting on 3/26/00

Officers present: Pam Wengerd, Sharry Starner, Mitzie 'Lee' Stickley, Annette Smith,
Club member attendance: Dr. Rich Mairs, John Wengerd

The meeting was convened, came to order at 5:02 PM, and led by newly elected President Pam Wengerd.

A Treasurer's Report was presented by new Treasurer Annette Smith.


The Officers discussed the 1999 Matinee and what they thought went well and what could be improved upon for this year's Matinee. Then the discussion moved to the specifics of what questions needed to be answered and what needed to be done to get a Matinee up and running for the year 2000. Among those details were: procuring a race date of May 27, 2000, a possible rain date, procuring an announcer, procuring a secretary, timers, judge, photographer, ambulance, and a person to perform track maintenance. Also, discussed was what types of advertising could be done to get the word out about the Matinee: flyers posted at Northfield and Scioto, ads placed in industry publications, the internet.

Questions that needed to be researched and answered by next meeting were:


Ideas were presented for types of new fundraisers: 1) Reverse Drawing - where 200 tickets were printed and numbered then were sold at $20.oo each and the winner drawn at Annual Banquet. 2) Chicken BBQ/Lunch stand on Matinee day. 3) 50/50 Drawing Matinee day. 4) Yard Sale of donated items during the summer. 5) Raise Membership dues.

The motion to adjourn was presented by President Wengerd and motion carried by Sharry Starner at 6:28 PM.

The next meeting will be held in Barn 28 at the Wayne County Fairgrounds on APR 27, 2000 at 5:00pm. Members and interested parties are invited to attend.

Last Updated: February 26, 2002; 10:00 am EST
Editor:S. Zimmerman