Officers present: Steve Nemec, Sharry Starner, Mitzie 'Lee' Stickley, and Annette Smith.
The meeting was convened, came to order at 5:01 PM, and led by President Steve Nemec.
A Treasurer's Report was presented by Annette Smith that reflected the income produced from the Club's Banquet/Meeting held on 3/21/02.
Details of the 2002 Matinee were discussed and voted upon: the first race Post Parade will be at 11:50 AM with the first race off at noon on May 11, 2002. Rain date will be Sunday, May 12, 2002. This year's Matinee will have NO CHARTED LINES and NO ELIGIBILITY PAPERS. The Matinee card will feature Exhibition Races; which are races that have TIME BARS. Also scheduled on the race card will be an AMATEUR RACE, and a RIDING UNDER SADDLE RACE.
Again this year, owners, trainers, and drivers need not be members of the Western Reserve Matinee Club to participate in the races. However, if the trainer of a horse entered to race, is a member of the Western Reserve Matinee Club the entry fee will be $10.oo per horse. If the trainer is NOT a member of the Western Reserve Matinee Club the entry fee will be $15.oo per horse.
Next, the distribution of Western Reserve Matinee Club funds to improve the facilities at the Wayne County Fairgrounds were discussed and voted upon: $1,000.oo was approved for the purchase of stone that would be applied to the race-track surface in 2002. The Club voted to pay for snow removal from the race-track for a maximum period of four months. Mr. Dean Guy was selected and hired to remove snow from the race-track and $600.oo was allocated for snow removal purposes. In addition, the Club voted to allocate $350.oo to pay Mr. Jerry Johnson to re-surface the race-track prior to the 2002 Wayne County Fair and accepted the offer of the Wayne County Fair Board to supply stone for this re-surfacing project.
It was stated that funds in the Western Reserve Matinee Club Treasury were made possible through the various fund-raising projects held throughout the year: 50/50, Reverse Raffle, Auction, and private donations. Next, new ideas were presented for discussion on how to improve the fund raising efforts of the Club.
Also discussed, were possible changes to the format of the Annual Banquet/Meeting.
Meeting adjourned.