Officers present: Pam Wengerd, Sharry Starner, Annette Smith
Absent Officer: Mitzie 'Lee' Stickley
The meeting opened with President Pam Wengerd reading the minutes from the last meeting held on 4/27/00. The minutes were followed by a Treasurer's Report presented by Annette Smith.
After the Treasurers report President Wengerd turned the attention of those present to the necessary final preparations for conducting the Matinee next week: who was doing what, when, and how.
It was confirmed that Charles Smith would be the Presiding Judge, Penny Lee would be handling Charted Lines, John Hochstetler would be running the Starting Gate, Steve Nemec would be Announcing the races, and Jim and Pat Vitaro will be in charge of stall availability and Saddle Pad distribution. We are planning on using volunteer students from ATI/OSU to assist with Timing the races, but have backup people for this job if needed.
It was stated that people are in place to assist and prepare for the Chicken BBQ. There was some discussion as to whether the Chicken BBQ was more work than putting on the Matinee itself and whether we will include it again next year. The attitude was: 'wait and see'.
President Wengerd decided that she would like to try to have a Club meeting once a month on the first Thursday of every month at 5:00PM in Barn 28 at the Wayne County Fairgrounds. But she reserves the right to move the meeting or cancel it if needed.
The next meeting is scheduled for June 1, 2000 at 5:00PM Barn 28 Wa. Co. Fairgrounds.
The meeting was adjourned and Sharry Starner and Annette Smith stayed late to fold, stamp, and label the last Club Flyer to be sent by mail before the Matinee next week.